Barbora Fitness

Your online coach

to better physical and mental health.

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Become the best version of yourself without neglecting your mental or physical health.

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Certified L2 and L3 trainer

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Degree in psychology

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CIMSPA registered


Struggling to lose weight and keep it off? My fat loss coaching is centred around long term fat loss. I will support you to lose fat sustainably, in a way that works for YOU and your lifestyle.


Nutrition and movement can't cure PCOS but a well-tailored plan with the right coach can help you manage your symptoms - I am speaking from experience...


I can help you to improve your health so you, your body, and your mind are in the best position for your infertility journey, whether that's IVF or natural conception.


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Want a taste of my workouts?

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and try some of my FREE home workouts.

My approach

My coaching will always be designed for you and your lifestyle.


Your mental, as well as physical, health will be at the heart of all of my recommendations.


My programme and any advice that comes from me is rooted in evidence-based science..


My online coaching programme includes

Initial consultation

including food and behavioural analysis

Bespoke workout plan with explanation videos and access to a personalised app

designed for your unique goals

Weekly check-ins

and monthly reviews

Free Nutritional & Mindset Guides

Happy Clients


Goal: Fatloss

I did a session with Barbora and it was great! She put together a programme taking into account exercises I like (spin bike) and incorporated them into my workout. She always confirmed my form was correct and kept things interesting and fun. I have done my first online workout with her today and the online platform feels like you have a PT with you - challenging but great work out which I definitely need in the gym ☺️


Goal: Fatloss

I live a very hectic lifestyle and Barbora aligned her workouts and nutritional advice with my values, whether that's my busy social life or variety of hobbies. She made sure that I can still do what I love and keep a happy and healthy life along the way.


Goal: Muscle Gain

After working out for years by myself I have hit a plateau and with Barbora's help I have managed to overcome it and see muscle growth that I didn't think would be possible for my body type.



Healthy Mindset


Coming soon

My own journey

My teenage years and early twenties could be summed up by "name a diet and I guarantee you I've tried it." I was stuck in this vicious cycle of binge eating and binge exercising, and despite always being 'sporty' and loving fitness, I could not find a balance that would work for me and my lifestyle. Then in my late twenties, me and my partner decided to get pregnant and to our surprise it wasn't as easy as we thought. I was diagnosed with PCOS and told that our journey might be more challenging than others.

Initially, I spiralled into some very dark corners of my own mind and felt a bit lost with the information overload about infertility on the internet. Eventually, I managed to find my way back to common sense and decided that whilst there are many aspects of PCOS and infertility I can't control, I do have power over what I eat and how I move. I wanted to give my body the best possible chance to get pregnant and manage my PCOS symptoms.

It was the first time in my life that nutrition and movement wasn't about aesthetic goals but instead focused on my health. I wanted to nourish my body well and make it strong, so it was in the best place possible to tackle the ever present challenges, and I did. I was lucky enough that the changes in my diet and movement alone helped me bring my lovely little boy into this world. Being rooted in science, I am not here to tell you that diet and movement can cure your infertility or PCOS because it is not this simple. I am here to tell you that that these two elements in this very complex situation are fairly easy to control and can either be working for you or against you. And I am here to help make them work for you.

Having gone through this myself, I believe that I have a deeper understanding of what you are going through, especially when it comes to your mental health. I am confident that my lived experience, plus my academic background in psychology, puts me in a unique position to support you in giving yourself the best possible chance of achieving your dreams.

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